Posted by: ttownpaws | May 7, 2012

Her Name is Lola (or Whatever Lola Wants…)

A little Yorkshire Terrier came into our lives a few years back.  At only six months old and from good breeder stock, she, unbelievably, came to us through rescue.

It’s not uncommon for purebred pets, no matter what the breed, to find themselves in shelters or rescue.  And, like other homeless purebreds, she wasn’t a good fit for her former owner’s household.

Our six pound Yorkie is the prissiest looking little thing, though a true tomboy at heart.  She immediately got us singing, “Her name is Lola, she is a show girl.”  Barry Manilow’s signature song with our little twist.

And, of course, we had to have fragrance, “Lola”.  And now there’s a new one, “Oh, Lola”.  Got to have that too!  That’s what we say to her when she does something cute.

Our friends flipped when they heard our little Yorkie puppy was headed to our vet to be spayed.  Why would we spay her when the other dogs in the house were already spayed and neutered?  Why would we not want to breed her, they asked.

First, it’s the principle of the matter.  There are far too many unwanted pets for us to create more.  What’s more, there are no messy heat cycles to deal with – who wants those.  And, with important health benefits like reducing the risk of uterine infection and breast cancer, why would we not want her spayed!

The baby of the house, she’s spoiled beyond belief.  And when that recent commercial began playing, we added a new tune to our repertoire:

Whatever Lola wants…Lola gets!

She’s our little Lola – truly one-of-a-kind.

The Jarreau Family

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